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Baptism is a wonderful occasion - in fact, it is the most important event

in a person's life - because it is through Baptism that we are made members

of God's family, which is the start of their spiritual journey with Christ.


Baptism FAQs

How do we apply for Baptism?

Once you have read the leaflet, please download and complete

the application form:  




Bring your application form, to a Sunday Mass to meet Fr Roger and the Abbey family. Fr Roger will discuss your application, answer any questions you may have and then look to find a date for your child's baptism. Please bring your diary and 2 or 3 possible dates for the baptism when you come to mass. Baptism does not take place during lent, the 6 weeks preceding Easter.  You are required to attend Sunday mass regularly to prepare for your child's baptism.


All applications and questions about Baptism are discussed

on a Sunday after mass rather than by email.​


​Who can be a Godparent?

When thinking about who you are going to ask to act as Godparent to your child, we encourage you to please choose wisely and carefully. Godparents must be Baptised themselves - it is simply not possible for an unbaptised person to be a Godparent in the Church.


This is because a Godparent's responsibility is to pray for their Godchild and to help to raise them in the life and Faith of the Church - something they will publicly promise to do during the Baptism service - and raising   children in the life and Faith of the Church is not something that they are able to do unless they are themselves baptised Christians. It is also not something that they are able to do effectively unless they are practising Christians, so the Church asks that Godparents also be chosen from among those who have been Confirmed (although, unlike Baptism, this is not an absolute requirement). Please don't worry about making sure your best friends or brothers and sisters are Godparents if they are not able or willing to really do what it is that you're asking them to do and what they will be promising to do - the most important thing in choosing Godfathers and Godmothers is that your son or daughter gets the Godparents they deserve!


How many Godparents do we need?

When a child is baptised it is required that they have at least two Godparents - one Godmother and one Godfather; however it is usual to have three, two of the same sex as the child and one of the other.  


When can we have a Baptism service? 

Baptisms either take place during the 10.15am Parish Mass or in a dedicated Baptism service at 12.30pm on a Sunday. If you choose the second option we do ask that you and your child (or children) come along to the Parish Mass for anointing during the 4 weeks before so that we can meet you and say a prayer for you allWe will try to offer Baptism on 3 Sundays each Month of the year, except during the season of Lent (the forty days before Easter) and Advent (four weeks before Christmas). We aim to be as flexible as we can, dates are offered on a first come, first served basis, so to avoid disappointment please come to mass with your completed application to arrange the Baptism before you arrange the party!


What does it cost?

Nothing! Not a penny. Baptism is a gift of God, so there is no charge at all. However donations on the plate, will be gratefully received.


What about older children?

If your child hasn't already been Baptised, then they can, of course, come to the Abbey for Baptism.

However, Baptism of older children will lead to Confirmation. 


Can adults be Baptised?

A person can only be baptised once, but if you were not baptised as a child and have decided that you would like to explore the possibility of becoming a member of God's Holy Church we would be absolutely delighted to help you to do that. When an adult makes a decision to be baptised it must be part of a much broader decision to live a life of Faith within the community of the Church, so we will only baptise adults who wish to undergo a period of preparation and be baptised, confirmed, and admitted to Holy Communion. If you are interested in being baptised yourself, or if you are already baptised and wish to explore Confirmation, please come down to any of our Masses and speak to a priest.


Sacrament of Baptism Leaflet
(Click the dove icon )
Baptism Application Form
(Click the baptism icon )
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