Baptism & Confirmation
Whatever stage people are at on their pilgrimage of faith, The Abbey desires to be a help and blessing to all who seek Christ and want to be his disciples.
Each year the Abbey baptises and confirms many people of different backgrounds that become Christians through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.
Baptism is the first stage of the Christian life as we become one with Christ. In Baptism, our sins 'are washed away' as we receive new life in Christ through the action of God's Holy Spirit.
In confirmation, the Bishop stirs up the spirit of Baptism by laying his hands on you. As a fully initiated member of Christ's Church, you can receive Holy Communion.
You can be baptised as a child or an adult at any stage of your life. Were you baptised and confirmed many years ago, and do you want to declare your renewal publicly? We can also help you with dedicated catechises and dedication service in the Abbey.
Please come to Sunday Mass at 10:15 a.m. and speak to Fr. Roger. He will be happy to help and guide you in becoming a Christian.