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Weekly Services

8.00pm Tuesday Compline Service

11.30am Wednesday Said Mass

9.30am Saturday Holy Half Hour

10.15am Sunday Sung Mass


Sunday Mass @10.15am

The Abbey Church of St Mary the Virgin stands firmly in the Catholic tradition within the Church of England, so the Mass is at the heart of our common life together and is offered daily in the parish. Our main act of worship is our Parish Mass which takes place every Sunday of the year at 10.15am. This is a service with hymns, prayers, Bible readings, and a homily, but at the heart of which is the Eucharist - 'the source and summit of the Christian life'. Together we receive the True Body and Precious Blood of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ - food from Heaven for our journey to Heaven. Our Lord said, he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him (John 6.54-56). 

The Mass is always followed by refreshments in our Church Hall and there is also provision for the children in our Abbey Family Children's Church, with fun crafts and Bible stories. The Mass itself lasts about an hour and ten minutes and is a joyful celebration at which all are welcome. 

Weekday Masses Wednesday at 11.30am

 On a week day we celebrate a low (said) mass in the Lady Chapel, the Angelus is sung, followed  by tea/coffee and cake in the server/choir vestry. Occasionally, special Holy Days occur during the week and on these days the normal Mass time may change - please keep an eye on the pewsheet, noticeboard, and Facebook for changes to the regular pattern of worship.

Saturday Holy Half Hour - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Holy Half Hour is a time of silent prayer, adoration and contemplation of our Lord, in front of the Sacrament. Every Saturday at 9.30am, Fr Roger opens the Abbey and sets the monstrance on the High Altar with incense and silent contemplation in the chancel before the Lord. Do join him for this time of peace and reflection, pray the rosary or just sit, meditating on your own intercessions. After the sacrament has been returned to the tabernacle, Fr Roger is available to hear Confession. 
From 10am, Tea/Coffee and toast is available in the Choir/Server Vestry (unless there is Saturday brunch).



 Every Saturday after 9.30am Holy Half Hour or at other times by appointment.

God calls us to a holy life and through Baptism and the Eucharist gives us His grace in order to help us live the lives worthy of the name Christian. However, there is not one of us - no matter how hard we try - who does not get things wrong! When we sin - by thinking, doing, and saying things that are contrary to God's will, or failing to do and say what we ought - we damage our relationship with God. For that reason Jesus gave His Church the authority to pronounce God's forgiveness so that we might be reconciled with the Almighty when, after His Resurrection, He breathed on His apostles, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (John 20.22-23). Confession is a wonderful gift of God to His Church - a chance to unburden ourselves and receive assurance of God's forgiveness; through it we are also strengthened by His grace to pursue lives of holiness and peace. It can seem quite a scary prospect, especially if you haven't made your confession before, but it is an experience that you will always walk from with a feeling of serenity and joy. Nothing you say in confession can or will ever be repeated or even referred to by the priest who hears it, so you can approach and leave with absolute confidence. 

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