Please help us if you can
If you read through the 'History' section of our website, you will discover that the Abbey Church of St Mary the Virgin came into being through the generous support of local people - people with a vision and an appreciation of the importance of the Church's place in the community. We still need that support today - the Church is able to flourish here in Abbey Green only because of the financial support of those who make use of the services we are proud and privileged to offer.
At present, when all our expenses are taken into account, it costs us around £1,700 a week to keep this Parish Church open, staffed, and looking as wonderful as it does. A Grade II Listed Building is costly to maintain, but so is the level of service that we are striving to offer this community and, indeed, to make even better. It is, of course, free to worship here and you will never be pestered for your financial support when you come to the Abbey, but please do consider how you might be able to help us in our work.
You can do that by putting cash on the plate when you come, by committing to regular giving through a standing order, or by making contributions online. Our pay-pal system isn't operation at the moment - so do get in touch if you'd like to make a bank transfer donation.
Gift Aid is very important to us as it enables the Church to claim an extra 25% from The Inland Revenue. What that means is that, for example, for every £10 given to the Abbey Church as Gift Aid we receive
£12.50. All these extra amounts can add up to make a real difference to us and the service we can offer.
To claim Gift Aid we will need your name and address to be advised to us by PayPal as part of the payment advice. To confirm that we may do so, simply type 'Gift Aid' in the box “Add special instructions to the seller” when confirming the payment and also tick the 'Share my postal address with the Abbey Church' box.